Odontology-Dental Research.


Odontology-Dental Research.

Lichen Planus is a chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory, and dermatological disease mediated by T-lymphocytes of unknown aetiology affecting the stratified squamous epithelium. World Health Organization reports a high prevalence of OLP, and considers it an injury with potential for malignization, requiring close and rigorous attention. Preferably, the regions of the oral mucosa and skin are the most involved, although it may affect locations, such as anogenital regions, oesophagus, nails and scalp. Regarding its involvement in oral cavity, OLP has its highest incidence in jugal mucosa and consecutively, in tongue, palate, lip and buccal floor.

Odontology is one of the best open access journals that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in this field and provide online access without any restrictions or subscriptions to researchers worldwide.


Journal of Odontology is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish research dealing with the scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth such as tooth decay, periodontitis, dental plaque, dental calculus, dentin hypersensitivity, malocclusion etc.

On behalf of the Journal of Odontology, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour and privilege to inform you that, our Journal running in 3rd volume. it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to the Journal of Odontology .

Development of a Journal depends on the Editorial Board members it has and the quality support it is receiving from that board. The Editorial Board (EB) contains a group of leading subject experts who can judge the articles, journal and guide the process of publication. In other words, EB members prescribe the tone and direction of publications. The Editorial Board Members remain actively involved in analysing submissions, assigning peer-reviewers, and guiding manuscripts through the peer-review process. Editor-in-Chief or any Board member provides judgment/decision in case of publication associated disputes. Judgment of the Editor-in-Chief should be considered as the final verdict in any issue pertaining to publication.

The research areas related to Odontology are divided as types of steroids such as Oral Steroids etc. Dental Diseases, Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Dental Implants, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Forensic Dentistry, Digital Dentistry etc. Journal of Odontology is a spotlight on dental diseases, fractured teeth, exposed root, worn tooth enamel or fillings, oral cavities etc. Journal of Odontology welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately 15 days after acceptance.

Best Regards

Ruth T casey

Senior journal editor

Journal of Odontology